Tuesday, June 10, 2014


Four days until #ga221 begins!

Last night, the #BBP5 gathered for a time to get to know each other a little better, to ask questions, and to pray. (We also discovered that NO ONE has started packing yet!!)

We are eager for the Assembly to begin and to look for WHERE and WHEN and HOW Jesus is at work in the Presbyterian Church. [There are those who may be skeptical that Jesus is still hanging around in the PC(USA) but it is our belief that He is present and active.] We EXPECT to see Jesus all over the place, and we hope this blog will be a way for us to share those experiences with you, our friends and family back home.

Commissioners and advisory delegates will begin #ga221 with "Riverside Conversations" at 8:30AM on Saturday, June 14 where we will have a chance to hear presentations on the issues garnering the most attention in this Assembly.

Be praying for the #BBP5, friends--we need to be blanketed with your prayers for energy and patience, wisdom and encouragement, and perhaps most of all, eyes to see and ears to hear God's will for His church.

The Motor City