Thursday, June 19, 2014

A Note from Mauri

Written by Mauri

The moment everyone was waiting for is now behind us.

What I expected occurred. The GA endorsed gay marriage today. 

Even though I expected this, I am surprised at how heavy my heart is. I believe the GA has created a constitutional crisis for the denomination. Only time will tell what the implications will be in the months ahead. But I am not very optimistic. I will truly be seeking after God in the weeks ahead, seeking discernment about where to go from here.

Thoughts from Eva

Written by Eva  
I confess that today it has been difficult to see Jesus in the people of General Assembly, but I know that Jesus is here still ... one just has to look harder. 

Glimpses can be seen in a short phrase added to a resolution reminding us of our traditional definition of marriage. 

Jesus was there when members of our Beaver-Butler contingent signed papers of dissent for an action taken which did not show Jesus and his fulfillment of "all" Scripture. 

Our Lord was present when the speaker during our time of worship encourages us to "feed the monster of hope." 

We would all do well to hold onto a saying of the Amish: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the PRESENT--it is a gift from God."

Regardless of the tears we might shed, today--in the "present"--Jesus is here to dry those tears, and give us the ability to continue to see him here at #ga221. 

A Commissioner's Perspective on Today's Events

Written by Mark
(Originally published HERE earlier today, June 19, 2014.)

The debate on the marriage issue is underway. 

10-07    A motion to appoint a 2 year task force to study the issues of marriage was disapproved.

10-01    Concerning the church’s role in legal marriage services of Christian covenant was disapproved.

10-03    On issuing an authoritative interpretation to affirm pastoral discretion

10-04   On performing Christian marriage ceremonies was approved 61% - 39%.
This was the vote that disappointed and concerns me the most. By passing this authoritative interpretation, less than 600 commissioners took away the voices of the 1.7 million Presbyterians who would like a voice regarding this very controversial and divisive issue. In addition, Roberts Rules of Order were ignored by those who have been entrusted to protect the Constitution of the PCUSA. The Authoritative Commission on the Constitution, the Stated Clerk and the Moderator - even when brought to their attention. We have just created “local option” for pastors. 

10-06    Rescinds the authoritative interpretation of 1991 concerning teaching elders performing marriages for same gender couples and sessions permitting such ceremonies in their facilities. This was passed 76% - 24%.

10-02     Amends the PCUSA Book of Order to change the language regarding marriage to “marriage involves a unique commitment between two people, traditionally between a man and a woman, to love and support each other for the rest of their lives. The sacrificial love that unites the couple sustains them as faithful and responsible members of the church and the wider community.” This will now replace W-4.9000 in the Book of Order and become the entirety of the new section on marriage. Passed 71% - 29%.

10-05    Add this language to W-4.9000 of the Book of Order: “For the purpose of God’s mission, presbyteries and sessions may define marriage as a civil contract between two persons within the boundary of the state law.”        Passed 75% - 25%

10-NB    Directs the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board and the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly to  establish a way to bring reconciliation to the church that would involve visiting each presbytery and serving as a resource for each presbytery’s discussion of these actions in congregations and the presbytery at-large and present voices of reconciliation for the unity of the church.

While 2/3 of the commissioners are rejoicing, 1/3 of us are grieving for our denomination that has departed us and scriptural authority.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 (NIV) 


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(Seriously, this is the good stuff.)