Thursday, June 12, 2014


Two days. Can you believe it?

Already, Detroit is starting to fill up with PC(USA)-related folks who are settling in for the week.

And many more will be joining their ranks. 

We commissioners will be busy with meetings and such but there are lots of other things to do and to see in the Motor City for family of commissioners or visitors and observers.

One of the great parts of our church is that we DON'T meet in fancy, expensive places like New York or LA. But rather, we pick cities (like Pittsburgh and Detroit) that can use the influx of cash that comes with an Assembly. (Usually close to $2 million PLUS what folks spend on their own.)

Right in front of our very eyes, we see possibility of redemption is unfolding--we see a city struggling to rebuild like Corinth and Jersulaem did after being destroyed.

It reminds me of this: