Wednesday, June 11, 2014

I am Beaver-Butler Presbytery ... Allison Bauer

I am the Teaching Elder currently calling the Frankfort Presbyterian Church home. I am also the 2014 Moderator of Beaver-Butler Presbytery.

In preparation for #ga221, I have spent many hours sifting through (and having conversations with others about) the overtures for the committee to which I have been assigned: #9 "Social Justice Issues."

This will be my third official General Assembly--I was a YAAD in Fort Worth, TX and a Theological Student Assistant in Denver, CO--so I have a little bit of experience with this process. Of all the parts of GA, I have to say that I am most looking forward to the AMAZING singing and music that happens when thousands of people worship together in one big room.

Where will I be looking for Jesus at ga#221? Well, a wise guy once said, "Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am with them." So I guess any time I'm gathered with others, I'll be looking for Jesus. (I should probably also spend a little bit of time making sure people see Jesus in me ... instead of always looking for Him in others.)

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