Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Reflection by Mauri

Written by Mauri

General Assembly is now over and I have arrived home. 

My first reflection of my week there is how exhausted I am. I have never been to an event like this where I was as tired as I am now at its completion. We had long, long days, late into the night. It was grueling. 

Apart from that, I must say that I really appreciated the opportunity to represent the Beaver Butler Presbytery at this national gathering of our church. I met a lot of nice people and had some meaningful times of fellowship with my fellow commissioners, our EP Alan Adams, and some of my new friends. 

Apart from that, my overall feeling about my experience there is one of great sorrow, personally and corporately. There were some commendable decisions made, and I applaud them. But the divestment issue and the gay marriage debate have caused great consternation in the body. Some are rejoicing, but many are weeping over the decisions that we made in these two areas. There will be a need now for a period of healing and a serious movement toward reconciliation.

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