Thursday, June 19, 2014

Thoughts from Eva

Written by Eva  
I confess that today it has been difficult to see Jesus in the people of General Assembly, but I know that Jesus is here still ... one just has to look harder. 

Glimpses can be seen in a short phrase added to a resolution reminding us of our traditional definition of marriage. 

Jesus was there when members of our Beaver-Butler contingent signed papers of dissent for an action taken which did not show Jesus and his fulfillment of "all" Scripture. 

Our Lord was present when the speaker during our time of worship encourages us to "feed the monster of hope." 

We would all do well to hold onto a saying of the Amish: "Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, today is the PRESENT--it is a gift from God."

Regardless of the tears we might shed, today--in the "present"--Jesus is here to dry those tears, and give us the ability to continue to see him here at #ga221. 

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