Sunday, June 15, 2014

I Saw Jesus

Commissioned Ruling Elder Eva Barr
Before Eva ever left Pennsylvania, she saw Jesus.

She arrived at the airport at 7:30AM, in plenty of time to catch her flight which left at 10:00AM. Not being a frequent flyer, she was relieved to see that her flight was on time.

But then it was delayed.

And delayed.

And delayed again.

And THAT meant she was going to miss her connection. So they put her on another flight, one which left at 5:39PM. She would be late arriving in Detroit but better late than never, right?

Then THAT flight was cancelled. Finally, finally, finally she was booked on another flight, this one leaving at 7:07PM.

It was around this time that the ticket agent at the United counter started to look an awful lot like Jesus as she went out of her way to make sure that Eva was going to make it to Detroit on this flight. (She walked Eva over to the counter she needed to get to as well as double-checked with her once she was done.)

Next thing Eva knew, she was really on the plane, not really much worse for wear but definitely not in the best of humor. All of a sudden, Eva said, "As I was frowning, I faced a smiling flight attending who assured me that I would soon be where I was going--just like she knew what I had gone through the entire day." Jesus started to look a little bit like a flight attendant for Eva.

Then He morphed into yet another person, a wonderful COLA (Committee on Local Arrangements) volunteer in the Detroit airport. He told Eva that he had walked 12,000 steps that day but, as she says, he was still smiling and "walked another I don't know how many steps with me to the bus that would take me to the hotel. I was never to so glad to see a friendly face like his, which looked a lot like Jesus at that moment."

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