Sunday, June 15, 2014

Spot On with Social Media

(Written by Allison)

Friends, I am super impressed by the level of social media engagement that #ga221 has attained in just our first 24 hours of meeting.

1. You HAVE to watch this video, a parody of a song from the musical Les Miserable. (It's funnier when you know the personalities featured but I think it's still pretty entertaining to watch. Listen to the lyrics--soooo Presbyterian!)

2. Secondly, we learned that "everything is awesome" with #ga221legos. Two COLA team (Committee on Local Arrangements) members gave some explanations and talked about the Assembly's theme of "Abounding in Hope" (Romans 15:13 "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.") 

They then asked commissioners and advisory delegates to look under the tables. When we did, we found a bag of Legos!! Our task was to build SYMBOLS OF HOPE using the Legos and to share them on Facebook and Twitter using #ga221legos. 

After a little bit of playing around, #theBBP5 built the three crosses on the hill named Golgotha. We dubbed our creation, "Lego-gotha!" 

3. Finally, the GA also gave away free downloads of the PC(USA) daily prayer app by sending a text message.

I took advantage of this offer, presuming that by doing so I had just signed myself up on some mailing list. BUT this was an app on my "to purchase" list so I thought, why not??

(It's available to download for the device of your choice.)

Combine all this with the live stream of worship and plenary sessions, the Guidebook app (with the VERY hand personal schedule) and the PC-BIZ app (which is a little buggy on my iPhone but pretty good on my iPad), I am proud of the way our denomination is working to engage all kinds of folks sitting around these tables. (AND it makes it more fun for folks at home to play along as well!)

(Read THIS POST to catch up on the apps I just mentioned.)

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